
Free Yourself From Insurance!

If you’re a motivated dentist looking to separate your practice from the mundane and outdated work brought on by traditional insurance, in-office plans will be music to your ears. Roughly one-third of the adult population has no dental insurance, making in-office plans a no-brainer for practices looking to attract new patients and make more money.


In-office plans help practices battle against traditional insurance companies, while also providing a real benefit to the patient. Offering uninsured patients the ability to pay for their care using a subscription-based model benefits both the practice and the individual. Uninsured patients afraid of expensive treatment can sign up for either a monthly or yearly payment plan to cover the work they need.


According to the ADA, almost two-thirds of uninsured patients have no plans to go to the dentist in the next twelve months. The reality is dental care can be expensive and scary for your patients. When left without coverage, the idea of paying upfront for the work you need can be financially daunting, and in some cases altogether impossible. We all deserve a better alternative to credit agencies with high-interest rates or insurance companies with lofty coverage. Membership plans equip practices with the tools they need to provide real financial options to their patients so they can receive the care they need.


Offering a membership plan allows practices to break up hundreds and even thousands of dollars worth of treatment into a manageable monthly cost for the patient. Converting your uninsured cash patients to an in-office plan generates more recurring revenue for the practice and helps get your uninsured patients in the door more often. In-office plan members are far more likely to show up for their second visit, knowing they’re getting the care they need without taking on a massive, immediate financial risk.


Plans are easily customizable and provide a better, more personalized treatment plan for the patient. Patients don’t have to worry about paying for coverage they may never use because plans let them manage a monthly cost for the exact services they need. More Americans are leaving traditional dental insurance behind and are looking for more cost-effective alternatives. In-office plans can help your practice keep these patients in the door and away from phony discount cards and flimsy insurance plans.


The value of in-office plans extends beyond just individual patients by also giving practices the ability to work with local small businesses. Practices can help these businesses provide real benefits for their employees without the cost and hassle of a traditional insurance plan.


As a practice grows its membership, it decreases its admin work. The more individual and uninsured patients purchase your in-office plans, the fewer pre-authorizations, and claims to deal with. If you’re looking to help your existing patients and drive new ones in the door – free yourself from haggling insurance companies and set up an in-office membership plan.